Advent Calendar House - TV Holiday & Christmas Specials

Honey Nut Cheerios Scrooge Commercial

Episode Summary

The taste of nuts and honey thaws Scrooge’s icy heart. Guest: Joey O. Find show notes at

Episode Notes

Nobody can’t say no to this 30-second portrayal of Scrooge in a Christmastime commercial for Honey Nut Cheerios. Officially titled “Ebenezer Scrooge Discovers Honey Nut Cheerios,” this commercial ran from around 1987 through at least the end of the 20th century.  


🎙 Guest:  

Joey O. (Y-Not Radio, @ImGonnaDJ24).  


💬 Topics & Tangents:  

1. A tale of two Buzz Bees: “It’s Christmas,” vs. “It’s the holidays.”  

2. Arnold Stang, the original voice of the Honey Nut Cheerios Bee, Top Cat, and Nestlé’s Chunky candy bar.  

3. Stranger Christmas tradition: Scrooge’s “customary” gruel, or Honey Nut Cheerios as a holiday breakfast?  

4. The lifespan and ancestral history of honeybees.  

5. Addendum: Thanks to Guy Hutchinson for identifying our Scrooge as actor Bill Gavin.  


Full show notes with links at  
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